几乎所有的教育学家都认为,教学活动是教师和学生的双边活动过程。可是,一涉及具体的教学过程,绝大多数教育家往往只阐述了学生的学习过程,而较少论及教师的教的过程, 如捷克教育家夸美纽斯提出的观察、记忆、理解和练习等4个环节,德国教育家赫尔巴特提出的明了、联合、系统和方法等4个环节,达尼洛夫提出的准备、感知、思维、巩固、运用或练习等 5个环节,都将教学过程变成了学生的单边活动过程。这些教学过程理论都没有很好地解决从学习理论向教学理论过渡的问题。本文试图运用现代认知心理学理论和教学设计原理,阐述教学过程中师生双边活动的基本过程及其规律,为教师的教学设计提供心理学依据。
Based on the investigation, the author have found the middle school student' s self - concept is associated with his/her bullying closely. Positive or negative self- concept has great influence on how much a student is involved in bullying. A student' s interpersonal self, physical self and emotional self can be a significant predicative indicator for his/her bullying. A student s various self- concepts can be a predicative indicator for some patters of bullying too. There are some gender differences in predicting the influence of self - concept of a middle school student on his/her general bullying pattern.
Educational Research and Experiment