以蚕豆根尖为材料 ,以微核为指标 ,以环磷酰胺为诱变剂 ,研究了白背三七草 (Gynuradivaricata)提取液的致畸性及对环磷酰胺诱发的蚕豆根尖细胞微核的修复作用。结果表明 :白背三七草水提取液对蚕豆根尖细胞的微核率没有影响 ;而对环磷酰胺诱发的微核率则有抑制作用 ,其微核率从 41.6± 5 .32降至 2 .2±2 .17,提示这种植物具有一定的抗癌作用。
In the experiment on the mutageresis of the extract from Gynura divaricata and the effect on the root tip cells of Vacia faba, the Vacia faba was conducted as material ,the micronucleirate rate as the guide lines of aberration,and the cyclophos phanrde as the mutagens.The results show Gynura divaricata no teratgenetic effect., the plant tends to reduce the micronuclei rate significantly. The value declined from 41.6±5.32 to 2.2±2.17 respectively. It can be concluded that the plant has the anti-carcinogenesis effects.
Henan Science