通过人工授精的方法获得黑脊倒刺的受精卵 ,详细观察了黑脊倒刺的胚胎发育过程 .根据外部形态特征及胚胎行为 ,将黑脊倒刺的胚胎发育划分为 6个阶段 ,2 2个胚期 .在 2 5~ 2 8℃水温条件下 ,从受精到孵化出膜 ,胚胎发育历时 4 5h1 5min.和其他鲤科鱼类的胚胎发育相比 ,黑脊倒刺的胚胎发育时间较长 .黑脊倒刺胚胎的胚盘下包卵黄 3 /4时就进入神经胚期 ,而一般淡水鱼类往往在胚盘下包卵黄 4 /5时才进入神经胚期 .仔鱼孵出时 。
The fertilized eggsof teleost,Spinibarbuscaldwell wereobtained by artificial insemina- tion.Its embryonic development was observed in detail.Based on the morphological and behavioral characterstics of the embryos,the process of embryonic development could be divided into2 2 stages which belonged to6embryonic periods.Atthe watertemperature of2 5~ 2 8℃ ,the embryonic devel- opment from fertilization to hatching lasted 45hours and 1 5minutes.Compared with other fishes in cyprinidae,the time needed for the embryonic developmentof Spinibarbuscaldwell was longer.Neu- rula in Spinibarbuscaldwell began when the blastoderm extended downwards and wraped over3 / 4of the yolk,whereas thatin othercyprinidae fishes began when the blastoderm wraped downwards over 4/ 5of the yolk.Atthe period of hatching,organogenesis of Spinibarbuscaldwell' slarva were similar to those of other cyprinidae fishes.
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Natural Science Edition
福建省科委基金资助项目 ( K980 14 )