分析了当前有关氡危害与评价中的一些模糊认识 ,主要是对氡的危害满不在乎或草木皆兵的认识 ,也包括一些概念问题。为澄清这些问题 ,通过对有关概念和原理的阐述 ,结合人类认识氡危害的历史回顾及国际上氡调查与治理状况 ,讨论了氡危害的特点 ,提出防治对策。
Analyses are made of muddy concepts currently existing in the understanding of radon risk and evaluation in this paper,in particular either carelessness or extreme nervousness for the presence of radon risk.To address these problems,the nature of radon risk and prevention countermeasures are discussed through expatiating the concepts and fundamentals of radon,reviewing the historical course of human's knowing radon risks and describing of the international situation of radon survey and management.
Radiation Protection Bulletin