20 0 1年 5月在东京举行了日本辐射防护界各学会代表就 ICRP新建议书有关内容 ,与 ICRP主席 Clarke先生、法国 Maurice Tubiana教授的座谈研讨会 ,本文主要根据有关材料编译而成。详细介绍了日本保健物理学会、日本原子力安全研究协会以及日本核电企业界就 ICRP计划于 2 0 0 5年后颁布的新建议书内容所阐述的见解、建议及有关讨论情况 ,旨在向国内同行介绍国外动态 ,以供参考。
This paper introduced the discussion of Japanese health physicists on ICRP new recommendations,which were reported in a workshop held in May 2001 in Tokyo.Prof. Roger H Clarke,the Chairman of ICRP,and Prof.Maurice Tubiana coming from the France Medical Academy were invited to participate in the discussion.All the comments,suggestions on ICRP new recommendations that is planned to be published after 2005 will be referenced.
Radiation Protection Bulletin