采用胶体金免疫层析测定(GICA)和放射免疫分析法(RIA)对148份育龄妇女随机尿HCG浓度进行测定并对两分析方法进行比较。结果表明:GICA试条对随机尿HCG的检测范围为120~427 570 U/L,灵敏度为120IU/L,当尿HCG浓度大于427570IU/L时,该试条出现带现象;RIA的灵敏度为25IU/L,没有带现象。胶体金免疫层析试条具有操作简单、快速等优点,与放射免疫法相比,存在灵敏度低、带现象和不能定量等问题,在临床应用中应加以注意。
HCG in urine of 148 women are detected by GICA and RIA. The results that show the determinated range of HCG by GICA is from 120 IU/L to 427 570 IU/L,and the sensitivity is 120 IU/ L;when the concentration of HCG in urine is over 427 570 IU/L, the zone phenomena (antigen excess) will be appeared. The sensitivity by RIA is 25 IU/L and there is not zone phenomena at all. Compared with RIA,the GICA is simple and quick in determination of HCG in urine, but its low sensitivity and zone phenomena should be noted in application.
Journal of Isotopes