盆栽试验和田间小区试验研究了 7种野生植物汁液及汁液生物复合肥对辣椒生长及产量、品质的影响。结果表明几种植物汁液和汁液生物肥均能提高辣椒产量、改善品质 ,尤其在提高辣椒维生素C和降低硝酸盐含量上效果明显。臭牡丹汁液能使盆栽辣椒增产 2 3 6 7% ,维生素C含量提高 2 1 76 % ,硝酸盐含量降低 9 5 %。空心莲子草汁液生物肥使小区辣椒维生素C含量提高 2 6 9% ;硝酸盐含量降低 2 1 6 %。 7种野生植物汁液及汁液生物肥同时能改善土壤肥力 。
The effects of plant juice and juice bio_fertilizer from 7 kinds of plant on the growth,yield and quality of hot pepper were studied by pot experiment and plot experiment.The results showed that all of the juices and juice bio_fertilizers could raise the yield and improve the quality of hot pepper.The vitamin C content rose and the nitrate content reduced apparently. The juice of Clerodendrum colebrookianum Walp raised 23 67% yield and 21 76% vitamin C and reduced 9 5% nitrate of hot pepper in the pot experiment. The juice bio_fertilizer of Alternathera philoxeroides grisb raised 26 9% vitamin C and reduced 21 6% nitrate of hot pepper in the plot experiment.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences