本文采用动物模型DFREML ,对位于韩国京畿道二川郡的某原种猪场的 6 16 8头鉴定的约克夏猪的资料进行了性别对约克夏猪主要经济性状的遗传参数影响的研究。结果表明 :约克夏猪主要经济性状的最小二乘均值在公母猪之间有明显差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;模型中同时考虑母体效应时得到的遗传力均低于没有考虑母体效应时的遗传力。同时 ,将性别视为固定效应时各性状间的遗传相关高于只考虑公猪时各性状间的遗传相关 。
This study was dealt with the influences of sex on the estimation of genetic parameters for the major economic traits of average daily, age at 30kg, age at 90kg, backfat thickness and body height in Yorkshire on the basis of the data from 3443 heads in the Landrace breed tested at S Swine Breeding Farm in Icheon, Kyunggy Do, Korea, according to the animal model using DFREML. The least squares means of the major economic traits for Landrace were statistically significant(P<0.05) in sex. From the model, additive genetic heritabilities estimated including the maternal effect were all lower than it excluding the maternal effect. If sex was considered as fixed effect the genetic correlations of all traits studied were higher than in males while were lower than in females.
Chinese Journal of Animal Science