通过对《中文核心期刊要目总览》 2 0 0 0年版收录医药卫生类期刊的统计分析 ,提示军队医药卫生类期刊和核心期刊的数量和质量在全国医药卫生界都具有重要的地位和作用 ;军队医药卫生类期刊和核心期刊的主办单位多集中在知识密集程度高的科研院所、军医大学、总医院 ,特别在基础医学和综合学科方面尤为突出。
It is shown that both quantity and quality of the Chinese Army medical journals as well as the core journals are playing an important role in the Chinese medical field by study of the medical journal contained in the Guide the Core Journals of China(2000 edition).The sponsors and publishing agents of the Army medical journals are mainly concentrated on Academic institutions,Army medical universities and general hospitals with higher academic knowledge and especially in the field of the basic medicine and comprehensive academic discipline.It also pointed out the countermeasuers for improving the quality of the army medical journals are of quality-control,shortening the publishing period and decreasing the language barrier.
Library Tribune