在西方学术界 ,沃勒斯坦被称为“新马克思主义学者” ,其所创立的现代世界体系深受马克思主义的影响 ,但是现代世界体系作为一种理论和分析方法 ,有其深刻的社会现实根源、学术思想根源和分析方法根源 ,与马克思主义所提的资本主义生产贸易体系尚有不同。恩格斯所论述的资本主义世界体系仅仅是一般意义上的概念 ,并非是作为一种学术理念提出来的 ,但是不可否认世界体系论是西方学者借鉴马克思主义来观察资本主义世界的又一视角。
Wallerstein is regarded as a 'new Marxist scholar' among academic circles in the West. The modern world system he founded was heavily influenced by Marxism, but it is deviated from the capitalist system of production and trade defined by Marx. Besides, when Engels mentioned the capitalist world system he was only referring to a general concept, not an academic theory. Nevertheless, modern world system as a theory and method of analysis is deeply rooted in the social reality based on academic and methodological traditions. It offers another perspective for Western scholars to evaluate capitalism in the light of Marxism.
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