将 4 0只 1日龄雅康蛋用公雏饲喂至 30日龄 ,随机分为感染组和对照组 ,感染组鸡用传染性法氏囊野毒进行点眼、滴鼻和肌注 ,并于感染后 4 8h、72h、96h剖杀 ,取非免疫器官按常规石蜡切片 ,H·E染色 ,光镜观察。结果表明 :雏鸡感染传染性法氏囊病毒后 ,非免疫器官均发生了不同程度的病理变化 ,且随感染时间的延长 ,其病变程度越严重 ,其中以肝、肾的实质细胞变性、坏死较为严重 。
one-day-old male Yakang chickens were raised under pathogens-free condition,and then divided randomly into infected and control group at 30 days old. The infected group chickens were given virulent strain of Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) by eye-drop,nose-drop,muscle-injection and killed 48,72,96 h after the challeng respectively.Non-immune organs of infected and control chickens were sampled,fixed with Bouins,sliced with wax,stained with hemtoxylin eosin dye(H·E) and were observed microscopically. The results showed that the non-immune organs of infected chickens showed progressive pathological lesion,Such as degeneration and necrosis of parenchaemal cells of live and kidney,medial pooliferosation and inflamatory vascular reaction.
Journal of Sichuan Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine