目的:探讨多焦视网膜电图(multifocal electroretinography,MERG)测定过程的步骤及注意事项。方法:对131例受试者进行多焦视网膜电图测定过程中注意事项的回顾性研究。结果:发现多焦视网膜电图测定过程中存在许多变异因素,如受试者的配合,电极的安装、眼的固视与屈光聚焦旋钮的调整等。良好的MERG记录与检查者的技术有密切关系。结论:多焦视网膜电图的测定过程必须按步骤进行,以确保结果的可靠性和可重复性。眼科学报2001;17:217~219。
Purpose: Discussing the testing procedure of multifocal electroretinography(ERG). Methods:The testing procedure of 131 multifocal ERG records was reviewed. Results: Some variable factors existed in the measurement of multifocal ERG. These factors included the subject's co-operation, the mounting of electrode, the fixation of tested eye and adjustment of focus. The good records of multifocal ERG depend upon the skill of the operator.Conclusion: The testing procedure of multifocal ERG must be standardized so as to ensure the reliability and repeatability of the results. Eye Science 2001; 17: 217 ~ 219.
Eye Science