目的:观察全氟萘烷(perfluorodecalin,PFCLs)对兔眼前房角和眼压的影响。方法:随机选择23只新西兰白兔(实验眼 17只,对照组6只),前房穿刺实验眼注入0.05ml全氟萘烷,对照组注入等量平衡盐液。术前及术后不同时点行裂隙灯眼前段检查并测眼压,然后摘取眼球做病理检查。结果:对照组术前术后眼压改变无统计学差异。实验组术后第1周眼压(10.82±3.17mmHg)接近术前水平(11.62±6.35mmHg,P<0.05);从第2周开始到16周眼压升高(P<0.01)。裂隙灯下对照组仅见房水闪辉(+),但实验组还见到角膜背羊脂状Keratic precipitate(Kp),全氟萘烷沉于前房下方呈大泡状或鱼卵样。后者组织病理切片见前房角大量泡沫状空泡及吞噬细胞;小梁网阻塞间隙增大,小梁组织变性。结论:前房内注入全氟萘烷可导致持续的眼压升高,前房角可见炎症反应及小梁组织变性,因此临床手术后应尽量清除PFCLs。眼科学报2001;17:220~223。
Objective: To observe the effects of purfluorodecalin on the anterior chamber (AC)angle and intraocular pressure (IOP) in rabbits.Methods: 0. 05 ml perfluorodecalin was injected into right AC of 17 white rabbits andthe same does of balanced salt solusion(BSS) was given to the contrail group (6 rabbits).The IOP was measured before and 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 16 weeks after the injection. Thetreatment rabbits were sacrificed on the week of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 postoperatively. Theeyes were enucleated and the histological examination was performed.Results: There's no statistic IOP difference in the contrail group before and after theinjection of BSS. In treatment group, the IOP is similar to the preoperation level(11. 62±6. 35 mmHg) on the 7th postoperative day (10. 82±3. 17 mmHg, P <0.05).A increment of IOP was measured at the week of 2 to 4, 8, 12, and 16 postoperatively(P <0.01). Perfluorodecalin, having a fish eggs or bubbles appearance, was notedin the inferior AC. Histopathologically, transparent single or fused vesicles andmacrophages were accumulated at the AC angler in treatment rabbits. Some lymphocytesand neutrophils were aslo noted here. Trabeculae degenerated and intertrabecular spaceincreased.Conclusions: The anterior chamber injection of perfluorodeclin could lead to alongstanding increase of IOP. Inflammatory reaction and trabeculae degeneration wereseen in the anterior chamber angler. Eye Science 2001; 17: 220 ~ 223.
Eye Science