为了探求小麦新种质 2 4 1巨穗、粒大、结实率高等优良性状的遗传机理 ,应用单体分析和双端体分析方法对 2 4 1材料进行遗传学研究。结果表明 ,小麦新种质材料 2 4 1的 3A、5 A、 2 B、 1D和 6 D染色体上具有控制穗长的基因 ,其中 2 B染色体上的基因表现为强效 ,3A、5 A、 1D和 6 D染色体上的基因表现为弱效。控制穗长的基因定位在 3AL、 5 AL、 1DL和 6 DL染色体臂上 ,其中 6 DL染色体臂上可能具有控制 2 4 1穗长的 1个新基因。
The genes which control the spike length of the new wheat germplasm 241 located on chromosome and chromosome arms are studied by using 'Chinese spring'monosomic series and ditelosomic series as testing lines in order to probe into the heredity of its favor characters such as giant spikes, big grains and high bearing. It is indicated that the spike length of the germplasm 241 is controlled by five pairs of genes which are located on the chromosomes 3A,5A,2B,1D and 6D respectively, with the gene on 2B being more strong than others. The genes controlling the spike length are located on chromosome arms 3AL,5AL,1DL and 6DL.Comparing to previous studies, it is speculated that the genes on 6DL of the germplasm 241 governing the spike length is a new gene. There is a linkage relationship between the genes controlling spike length and grain weight.
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (项目编号 394 70 4 46 )