运用Premiere5.1a、MaYa2.5 电脑影像编辑软件,对全国武术比赛中武术运动员长拳演练中跳跃动作图像资料进行分析和研究,得出结论:下肢伸肌群中股四头肌和小腿三头肌在发力瞬间协调性不高,直接影响到武术运动员跳跃动作的高度达不到技术要求.
It is studied the jumping movements in the course of Chang Quan performance in the Chinese Wushu competition. Using Premiere 5.1a MaYa2.5 Photo-editor soft ware, the conclusions of the quadriceps musle and triceps musle of lower limb can't contract harmonizly, Which directly affect the athlete's jumping height are given in this paper.
Journal of Jianghan University(Social Science Edition)