对半无叶型豌豆不同品系的株高 (x1)、单株荚数 (x2 )、分枝数 (x3 )、百粒重 (x4)、单株粒数 (x5)、双花双荚数 (x6)和单株籽粒产量 (y)进行了通径分析。结果表明 :各个性状对产量的相对重要性排序为单株粒数>百粒重 >分枝数 >单株荚数 >双花双荚数 >株高 ,其中 ,各个农艺性状对单株产量的直接效应中单株粒数最高 ,间接效应中单株荚数通过单株粒数对籽粒产量的间接作用最大。进一步分析表明 :在利用半无叶型豌豆育种中 ,应以选择单株粒数、单株荚数为主 ,同时要注意增加双花双荚数 。
Seven agronomic characteristics of semi leafless pea lines, namely, plant height( x 1 ), pod number per plant( x 2 ), branch number per plant( x 3), weight of 100 seeds( x 4), seed number per plant( x 5), number of dual flowers and pods( x 6) and seed yield per plant( y ) were studied through path analysis The results were as follows: the order of relative importance of the six characteristics of seed yield per plant was x 5>x 4>x 3>x 2>x 6>x 1 Among the six characteristics seed number per plant was the highest Among all the indirect effects, pod number per plant was the biggest In pea breeding using semi leafless types, seed number per plant and pod number per plant should be the top choice At the same time, the number of dual flowers and pods should be paid more attention, and the other characteristics should also be given attention In all semi leafless pea proved to be more valuable in high yield pea breeding
Journal of Hebei Vocation-Technical Teachers College
agronomic characteristics
path analysis