基于学生评价标准———学业成绩和各种参考资料的影响 ,目前学生课业负担过重 .为了达到即提高教学质量 ,又能更好地推进素质教育 ,在数学教学中最关键的办法是精心设计课堂教学的内容 ,使学生将知识当堂消化 ,从题海战术中解放出来 .
Owing to the infections of the standards of evaluation to students or the grades of school works and a lot of references,student's lessons sit heavy on at present.For the sake of improving to the quality of teaching as well as push to quality-oriented education,in the teaching of mathematics the best important's measures are so particular plan to the content of teaching that students take up knowledge in classroom and disengage from a lot of exercises.
Journal of Yiyang Teachers College