目的 本文通过大鼠感染肝片吸虫复制感染模型 ,研究肝片吸虫感染后组织器官抗氧化功能的动态变化。方法 将 6 0只大鼠随机分成感染组 (n =30 )和对照组 (n =30 ) ,感染组大鼠一次口服 2 5个囊蚴 ,对照组不感染 ,于感染前 (0w)和感染后 (1、3、5、7、9w)宰杀采集肝、肺、心、肾和脾组织 ,检测感染后GSH Px、SOD、CAT活性和MDA含量的变化。结果 大鼠感染肝片吸虫后 ,肝组织的GSH Px活性变化不明显 ,SOD活性缓慢下降后又缓慢升高 ;CAT活性降低 ;MDA含量开始有所升高 ,稍后有轻微下降。肾脏的GSH Px活性先缓慢升高 ,以后则低于对照组 ;SOD活性呈现平稳下降的趋势 ,CAT活性开始升高 ,随后降至低于对照组 ,MDA含量开始缓慢下降 ,以后则上升。心组织的GSH Px活性开始升高 ,以后迅速下降 ;SOD活性逐渐升高 ,然后又缓慢下降 ;CAT活性逐渐升高 ,然后又有所下降 ;MDA含量感染后有所下降。肺组织中的GSH Px活性逐渐升高 ,以后逐渐下降 ;SOD活性5w后开始急剧下降 ;CAT活性的变化在整个实验期间 ,除第 7w外 ,其他各周和对照组相比差异均不显著 ;MDA含量在感染后开始升高 ,以后又缓慢下降。脾组织中GSH Px和SOD活性下降 ;试验组CAT活性先下降 ,然后升高 ;MDA含量在前 3w变化不明显 ,基本上处于同一水平 ,随后缓慢下?
Objective Rats were selected in order to study the change of antioxidant function post-infection F.hepatica. Method Rats were randomly divided into infection group (n=30) and control group (n=30). The infection group rats were dosed orally with 25 F.hepatica metacercariae. The tissue (liver, kidney, heart, spleen and lung) samples were used to determine GSH-Px, SOD, CAT, and MDA. Results In liver the GHS-Px and SOD activities remained unchanged but the MDA level was transiently up regulated and the CAT activity dropped. In kidney the GHS-Px and CAT activities were transiently up regulated but the SOD activity dropped. In heart the GSH-Px, SOD and CAT activities were transiently up regulated while the MDA was down regulated. In lung the GSH-Px and MDA were transiently up regulated, SOD activity was down regulated and CAT activity remained unchanged. In spleen the GSH-Px and SOD activities down regulated while the CAT activity was transiently up regulated. The MDA level in spleen showed no significant change at first 3 weeks then gradually down regulated and showed a very significant different difference between the infection group and control group at week 7 and 9. Conclusion It was suggested that free radicals might be participated in the pathological course of fascioliasis and there was lipid peroxidation of tissue post-infection.
Journal of Tropical Medicine
欧洲联盟资助项目 (No .INCO DCIC CT95 0 0 0 1)
Fasciola hepatica
Free radical
Antioxidant function