目的 探讨急性西藏雪山一支蒿中毒的心电图特点 ,为临床诊治提供参考依据。方法 于病人入院后 0 .5 h~ 2 d内常规记录治疗前后 1 2导心电图。结果 窦性心动过缓伴不齐 6例占 3 7.5 % ,交界性心律 2例占 1 2 .5 % ,室性 (单源或多源频发性 )过早搏动 8例占 5 0 % ,室上性 2例占 1 2 .5 % ,室性心动过速 5例占 3 1 .2 5 % ,心室颤动 2例占 1 2 .5 % ,房室传导阻滞或束支传导阻滞 8例占 5 0 %。同一病人可同时表现出 2种以上或多种形式的心电图。结论 雪山一支蒿毒素直接和间接作用于心脏 ,可引起各种心律失常 。
Objective In order to investigate characteristics of the ECG on the patient with acute xue shan yi zhi hao poisoning in Tibet, and that provided clinical reference foundation for diagnosis and treatment Methods Sixteen patients were detected routine by 12 leads of ECG set in 0.5 hour~2 days after admit Results Among 16 patients received examination of electrocardiograph: Six cases were significant sinus bradycardia with arrhythmia(37.5%), two cases were junctional rhythm (12.5%), eight cases were ventricular (single or multiple origin, happened frequently) premature beat (extrasystole)(50%), seven cases were supra ventricular or ventricular tachycardia(43.75%), two cases were ventricular fibrillation (12.5%) Eight cases were auriculoventricular or bundle branch(left or right)block(50%) Same a patient with xue shan yi zhi hao the poisoning may appear two more than that or a few kinds of ECG change at the same time Conclusion Toxic of xue shan yi zhi hao can act directly or/and indirectly upon the heart and bring about a number of ECG of anormalous rhythm There was a significant positive correlation between the ECG with taked doses of the toxic level
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
xue shan yi zhi hao