利用同位素示踪法研究14C-艾氏剂在树麻雀中的分布和代谢。结果表明,树麻雀摄 食了14C-艾氏剂标记饲料24h后,14C-艾氏剂及其代谢物主要分布于脂肪组织中,浓度是其它 组织的5~70倍。艾氏剂在各组织中的分布趋势为;脂肪>气管>胃>肝脏>肠>脾脏>羽 毛>心脏>胰脏>肾>剩余部分>肌肉>眼>脑。艾氏剂在树麻雀中被代谢为狄氏剂,后者 占可提取态14C活度的91.1%~100%。而母体艾氏剂的比例在各器官组织中都为0。
The distribution and metabolism of 14C-aldrin in Passer montanus were studied. After the 14 C-aldrin contaminated food was taken up for 24 h, 14C-aldrin and its metabolites were accumulated mainly in fat with the concentration 5 - 70 times higher than in other tissues. The distribution of l4C- aldrin and its metabolites in tissues of the bird, in descendent order, was: fat> trachea> stomach> liver> intestine> spleen> feather> heart> pancreas> kiney> remainder parts> muscles> eye> brain. 14C-aldrin was rapidly degraded to dieldrin, which accounted for 91.1% - 100% of the extractable 14C radioactivity, and the parent 14C-aldiin was undetectable in all the tissues studied, upon exposure l4C- aldrin for 24 h.
Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yatsen University