韶关发电厂 10号机组在全国首次将CCLink现场总线技术应用于除灰除渣控制系统 ,介绍了该系统的构成、工作原理 ,以及CCLink现场总线技术的功能、性能指标和网络组成 ,并对CCLink现场总线技术在运行中出现的主要问题作了分析 。
This paper describes CCLink (control and communication link) and its application in the ash and slag control system of Unit 10 in Shaoguan Power Plant. With an introduction to the structure, working principle of the system as well as the function, performance indices and network configuration of CCLink, major problems of CCLink in operation are analyzed, and the effectiveness of CCLink affirmed at last.
Guangdong Electric Power