本文根据植物的生态学原理和城市绿地产生的生态效益 ,结合工作实践的体会 ,对建设城市生态绿地的可控性进行了探讨 ,并提出了三条可控性措施 :有一个大环境绿地网络的城市绿地系统规划、具有一定规模并形成群落结构的绿地建设以及绿地分布的均匀性。
In the light of the ecologic principles of green plants and the ecologic benefits of the urban greenbelts, and based on the author's own experience in on-the-spot work, this paper devotes to the three controllable measures to be taken for the construction of urban ecologic greenbelts: 1.systematic planning of urban greenbelts with an overall green network in mind; 2.big scale and rational groupings; 3.even distribution.
Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University