虽经 8年时波的冲击 ,《废都》余热尚存 ,尤其是其主题内涵的难解 ,一直是争论的焦点。通过分析《废都》主人公庄之蝶身上所凝结的作家的心理情结和作家对世态人心的思考 ,力求对《废都》的主题内涵有一个更新更深的解读 。
Although it has been eight years,FEIDU still has an agreeable aftertaste.Especially its hard theme connotation has been the focus of arguement.By analysing writers psychological complex comented on the hero,Zhuan Zhidie in FEIDU and his thought over inconstancy of human relationships,we make every effort to have much newer and deeper understanding of FEIDUs theme connotation as well as have a regular hold of relationships between works intension and writers creative planning.
Journal of Changchun University