对莼菜主根、须根、茎、嫩叶锌的质量分数及嫩叶中有机态锌和蛋白质、水溶性多糖、碱溶性多糖中锌的质量分数进行了分析 ,结果表明供试莼菜锌的质量分数范围为 0 .6 6 - 1.2 9mg/g ,以嫩叶锌的质量分数最高 ,有机态锌占总锌的 6 9.77%,3种有机组分中以蛋白质中锌的质量分数最高 ,达 2 .92mg/g .
This paper analyzes the content of Zn in main root,fibrous root,stem and tender leaves of Brasenia schreberi and organic Zinc,the Zn-content in protein,water-soluble polycarbohydrate and alkali-soluble polycarbohydrate in tender leaves. The results indicate that Zn-content in Brasenia schreberi range from 0.66mg/g to 1.29mg/g,and Zn- content in tender leaves is highest. The content of organic Zinc is 69.77% of total Zinc and Zn-content of 2.92mg/g in protein is the highest among protein, water-soluble polycarbohydrate and alkali-soluble polycarbohydrate.
Journal of Hubei Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)
湖北省教育厅重大项目 ( 99Z0 0 6 )