本文在分析职业健康管理起源的基础上,简要介绍了美英等国的职业健康管理法规和监督体制,以及现行的国际公认标准和规范(BS 8800/OHSAS 18001),供职业健康管理同仁参考。
The purpose of the first part of the paper is to provide an introduction to the origins of Industry Hygiene and a summary of the American and British Occupational Health regulations, compliance system, OSHA inspections and current international certificate standards (BS 8800/OHSAS 18001). The second part of the paper analyzes the basic framework, methods, contents, organization and 13 elements of BP's Getting Health Right System, and introduces the Occupational Health & Safety Management System and Procedures of BP ARCO China to provide a reference for those occupational health management professionals in China.
Modern Occupational Safety