介绍了国际汽车行业故障诊断领域通用的KEYWORDPROTOCOL 2 0 0 0标准协议 ,并选用它设计完成了新型高压共轨式电控柴油机标定系统的通信模块 ,包括硬件设计和软件开发。该模块通信快速可靠 ,同时具有友好的人机交互界面 ,有效地实现了电子控制单元 (ECU)与PC机之间的串行数据交换 ,也为后续的系统标定匹配试验和故障诊断模块的开发工作奠定了基础。
This paper introduces Keyword Protocol 2000 international standard, which is now popular in the field of trouble diagnosing of oversea automotive industry. Taking advantage of it, a serial communication module of the calibration system for a new electronically controlled fuel system of D.I. diesel engine is developed. This module, including hardware design and software development, can not only communicate speedily and reliably between Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and Personal Computer (PC), but also have a friendly people to computer interface. It will be great beneficial to the work of calibration and optimization for the whole system and the developing of online trouble diagnosing module in the future.
Vehicle Engine