公理化方法是演绎科学的方法 ,但其基本精神早已渗透到经验科学。如何从科学方法论和科学认识论的角度对此作深入而系统的探讨 ,是当代科学哲学及跨学科理论研究中一个十分重要且又有相当难度的问题。本文从分析公理化的客观基础和可行性 。
Axiomatization method is a scientific method of deduction, whose essential principles have already been penetrated into empirical sciences, A profound and systematic study of axiomatization method from the angles of scientific methodmology and scientific pholosophy and interdisciplinary theoretical research. This paper having studied the characteristics of axiomatization of deductive science have different modes. The paper then approaches the objective basis and feasibility of the study of axiomatization of empiriical sciences. The last part of the paper dedicates to the analysis of the significance of the application of axiomatization method in the field of empirical science.
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