目的 :为探讨后牙残根利用螺纹桩经烤瓷修复后的疗效。方法 :随机选择后牙残根 6 4例 ,经完善根管治疗 ,牙齿无松动 ,牙根超过 8mm ,经 1周到半个月观察 ,临床无自觉症状 ,利用螺纹桩进行烤瓷修复。结果 :经 1a到 2a复查 ,成功率 (6 0例 ) 93 7% ,失败率 (4例 ) 6 3%。临床疗效满意。结论 :后牙残根经完善根管治疗 ,利用螺纹桩经烤瓷修复 ,可以保留患牙 ,恢复咀嚼功能及美观的要求。
Objective To explore the effect of PFM cases supported by screw posts for the residual dental roots of posterior teeth.Method 64 cases of residual dental roots of posterior teeth were selected at random,which roots were 8mm length or more and no loosen teeth.PFM supported by posts were made for these cases after entire root canal trealments and no symptomsfer 1~2 weeks.Results 60 cases (93 7%) succeed in good functions and 4 cases (6 3%) fuiled in 2 years following investigation.Conclusion After entire root canal treatents,the residual dental roots of posterior teeth can be retained and function well by the methods of PFM restoration supported by screw posts.
Jilin Medical Journal