重庆渝北双龙湖水体因长期受纳城市污水 ,近几年水体水质恶化并呈加重趋势。为治理修复该水体 ,进行了水面种植高等植物净化双龙湖富营养化水体的动态和静态试验研究。结果表明 :试验植物风车草、蕹菜、芹菜对叶绿素 a的降低率分别是 17.6 4%、42 .99%、38.0 5 % ;附着物与根系重量比 (湿重 % )是风车草 :5 .1~ 132 .7、芹菜 :10 0 .0、蕹菜 :48.3;三种植物对富营养化水体有较好的修复作用 ,对降低叶绿素 a作用明显 ,对悬浮污染物有较好的吸附作用 。
Quality of the water has steadily worsened in recent years because Double Dragons Lake in Yubei district in Chongqing has been admitting city sewage for a long time.For renovating the water of Double Dragons Lake through higher plants,two researches of dynamic and static experiments of using higher plants to purify the nourishing water were carried out.The results of researches showed:the percents of dropping content of chlorophyll a in the water through using plants were that of Cyperus alternifolius L was 17.64%;Ipomoea equatica Forsk was 42.99% and Oenathe javanica Dc was 38.05%.The weight percents of adhesive matters on the roots to roots of the plants were that of C.alternifolius L was 5.1~132.7%,O.javanica Dc was 100.0% and I.equatica Forsk was 48.3%.The effects that of three plants renovating the nourishing water were better and that of the plants dropping chlorophyll a in the water were clearer and that of adsorption of the plants absorbing the cantilever pollutants in the water were better.The effects of C.alternifolius L renovating the nourishing water ought to be paid attention.
Chongqing Environmental Science