采用石油酸与三乙醇胺、非离子型表面活性剂复配制备了一种廉价的重油乳化剂。最佳配方为石油酸 5 0 0 mg、三乙醇胺 2 5 mg、非离子表面活性剂 2为 2 5 mg、乳化助剂 H 2 0 mg、p H 11(共占乳化油总质量的 0 .5 7% ) ,可使油水质量比为 70∶ 3 0的油包水型乳化重油在 80℃下稳定 3 6h。实验过程中采用均匀设计与调优软件进行实验方案的设计和实验结果的优化 ,考察了乳化剂中石油酸与三乙醇胺和非离子表面活性剂间的协同作用以及 p H的影响。结果表明 ,组分间交互作用明显 ,在不同的配方下 ,组分的作用会有很大变化 。
A cheap heavy oil emulsifier was obtained from the composite of the petroleum acid, other anionic surfactant and nonionic surfactants. The optimized emulsifier formulation is composed of petroleum acid 500 mg, triethanolamine 25 mg, nonionic sufactant 2 25mg, and emulsifier H 20 mg, with the pH 11(0.57% in emulsified oil), a w/o type heavy oil emulsion with the oil and water in the ratio of 70 to 30 with stability higher than 36 h at 80 ℃. The uniform design and optimization software was used to design the experimental plans and the optimization of the results, the cooperative effects of petroleum acid, triethanolamine and nonionic surfactants used as the emulsifiers, and the effect of the pH value have been researched. The result shows that at different conditions, the effects of the compositions would change greatly and at some time they would be contrary.
Environmental Pollution & Control