目的 :比较两种淀粉酶测定方法的阳性率 ,找出较好的测定方法。方法 :对 -硝基麦芽庚糖苷 (4NP- G7)法与碘 -淀粉比色法测定血液淀粉酶。结果 :2 0 0例急性胰腺炎患者 4 NP- G7法阳性率为 83.5 % ,碘 -淀粉比色法为 4 1.5 %。结论 :4 NP- G7法测定血液淀粉酶在急性胰腺炎诊断中优于碘 -淀粉比色法。
Purpose To find a better determination method for blood amylase examination by comparing the positive rates determined with two different methods. Methods Blood amylase examinations were made respectively with 4NP G7 or iodoamylum colorimetry. Results In 200 cases of acute pancreatitis, the positive rate determined with 4NP G7 was 83.5 %, while the positive rate determined with iodoamylum colorimetry, 41.5 %. Conclusion In the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, determination of blood amylase with 4NP G7 method produced results superior to iodoamylum colorimetry.
Journal of Practical Medical Techniques