目的 :在上胃肠道钡餐检查涂布钡剂后 ,观察胃食管反流的可疑征象 ,提高放射科医师对本病的警觉性。方法 :381例受检患者按涂钡方法的不同 ,随机分为转身组和翻滚组 .翻转身后 ,以食管被钡液再度充盈为阳性。结果 :转身组 2 0 5例 ,阳性4 5例 (2 2 .0 % ) ;翻滚组 176例 ,阳性 18例 (10 .2 % )。两组间有极显著差异 (P<0 .0 1)。结论 :应用转身法 5 8.6 % (41/ 70 )的胃食管反流患者在涂钡后即出现阳性征象 。
Purpose To find the doubtful signs of gastroesophageal reflux(GER) during barium meal examination and to heighten the radiologists' alertness to the disease. Methods 381 cases for barium meal examination were randomly divided into two groups, turn round and turn about, according to their different barium coating ways. When the esophagus was filled again with barium after the patient's turning round, it showed a positive reaction. Results Of the 205 cases of the turn round group, 45 were positive (22.0 %), while of the 176 patients of the turn about group, only 18 showed positive (10.2 %). Obviously, there is a statistical difference (P<0.0l) between the two groups. Conclusion With the turn round method, 58.8 % (41/70) of the patients with gastroesophageal reflux showed positive signs after given barium coating. These signs should attract the radiologists' attention.
Journal of Practical Medical Techniques
gastroesophageal reflux
barium meal examination
barium coating