目的 探讨魏氏伤科中医综合疗法治疗Colles骨折疗效。方法 Colles骨折 89例 ,早、中期魏氏手法复位 ,腕关节尺偏功能位石膏固定 ,中药内服 ;后期手法松解粘连 ,配合中药内服外用。结果 89例Colles骨折通过 6个月以上的随访治疗 ,不仅全部愈合 ,而且经过综合评定 ,优 77例 ,良 1 0例 ,可 2例。结论 魏氏伤科综合疗法治疗Colles骨折可以维持骨折的良好复位 ,促进骨折愈合 ,通过适当的功能锻炼 ,获得最佳疗效。
Objective To study the Chinese traditional comprehensive therapeutic method for Colles' fracture.Methods 89 cases of Colles' fracture were treated with Wei's manipulative procedure and plaster fixation of wrist on the ulnar side functional position in the emergency department. Then they were treated with different kind of Wei's Chinese traditional herb decoction in different period of the disease. When plaster was taken away after four or six weeks, the patients were treated with Wei's manipulation so that they were able to relax muscles and tendons while promoting joint movement. Results By follow-up treatment for more than six months, 89 cases of Colles' fracture were achieved union. Through comprehensive evalutation, 77 cases of them were rated excellent; 10 cases were good and 2 cases were passable. Conclusion Wei's Chinese traditional comprehensive therapeutic method for Colles' fracture can be used to maintain a stable reposition and facilitate bony union. The best therapeutic effect will be obtained by appropriate functional practice.
Hebei Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Wrist joint
Chinese traditional treatment
Functional position
Colles' fracture