在对 2个主栽品种 (生产上推广的当家杂交稻组合 )和 2个间栽品种 (优质感瘟 )进行 RGA遗传背景研究的基础上 ,配成 4个混合间栽组合。经在祁东 (丘陵 )小区试验和示范比较 ,结果都表明品种混合间栽后 ,间栽品种叶瘟的防治效果达 48.86 %~ 79.91% ,穗瘟的防治效果达 12 .38%~ 6 3.5 7% ;混合间栽的主栽品种与净栽主栽品种比较 ,叶瘟和穗瘟的病情严重度差异不大。在产量上 ,混合间栽比净栽均表现出不同程度的增产 ,幅度在 1.5 7%~ 12 .71%。基于本研究结果 ,选择抗瘟性遗传背景差异大 ,株高差异突出的品种以 1行优质稻间 5行主栽品种混合栽培 ,能起到控瘟增产的作用。
On the basis of cluster analysis of RGA PCR DNA fingerprinting, four combinations composed of two popular high yielding blast resistant hybrid rice varieties and two interplanting rice varieties with high quality and susceptibility to blast were planted in plats and in farm fields of hilly Qidong area. The results indicated that when the susceptible varieties were grown alternatively with the resistant ones, leaf and panicle blasts of the susceptible varieties reduced by 48.86%~79.91% and 12 38%~63 57%, respectively, compared to the pure stand susceptible varieties. The planting patterns had little influence on leaf and panicle blast of the resistant varieties. The rice grown alternatively increased the grain yield ranging between 1 57%~12 71% over the pure stand rice. Therefore, it is proposed that strip planting at the 1∶5 row ratio of high quality and hybrid varieties which had diverse genetic background and contrasting plant height could be effective in control of blast and improvement of rice grain yield.
Crop Research
国家 8 6 3基金 (3980 0 10 2 )