复习相关文献 ,对甲状腺Hurthle细胞肿瘤作综述性报道如下 :(1 )Hurthle细胞肿瘤与滤泡状肿瘤在分子水平存在很大差异 ;(2 )临床与细胞形态学标准不能准确区分Hurthle细胞肿瘤良恶性及预测肿瘤复发 ;(3)Hurthle细胞腺瘤应采取腺叶加峡部切除术 ,腺癌宜行全甲状腺切除 ,存在转移淋巴结时附加颈淋巴结清除术 ,对所有病人应进行长期随访 ;(4)Hurthle细胞肿瘤应列为一种独立的病理类型 ;(5)区分腺瘤与腺癌的标准需进一步明确以指导临床治疗 ;(6)目前对Hurthle细胞肿瘤病人宜采取个体化原则治疗。
The comprehensive paper of thyroid Hurthle cell neoplasms(NCNs) is made on the literatures review.This paper reveals the follows:(1)HCNs differ significantly from follicular neoplasms on a molecular level;(2)Clinical and morphological parameters were not helpful in predicting recurrence and in differentiating benign from malignancy neoplasms;(3) The treatment of choice for adenoma is lobo-isthmectomy. For malignant Hurthle cell tumor, total thyroidectomy is the most rational treatment associated with cervical lymphadenectomy in the presence of matastatic nodes. In all cases, long-term periodical follow-up should be done; (4)HCNs represent a pathological entity;(5)The criteria of differentiating adenoma from carcinoma needs further investigation to guide the clinical treatment ;(6)Treatment process of HCNs should be individualized according to the clinical and histopathological results.
China Journal of General Surgery