照射野验证是实施精确放射治疗质量保证 (QA)的关键步骤之一。照射野影像对比度低、图像质量差使常规照射野验证易产生误差。本文比较了直方图均衡化、开窗式转换、锯齿波转换及窗式锯齿波转换图像处理方法处理双曝光照射野影像的优劣 ,并说明了透视、开窗及卷帘融合显示方式的应用。对照射野影像进行图像处理可以改善图像质量 ,有助于进行准确的解剖登记 ;将经解剖登记后的照射野影像与参考影像进行融合显示有助于目测分析解剖结构配准的准确性和进行定性的验证分析 ,从而减小验证误差 ,有效提高验证的准确性。
Portal image verification is one of key QA procedures for implementation of accurate radiotherapy. The contrast and quality of portal image is so low that it is difficult to avoid errors in routine verification. In this paper, comparison of several image processing techniques are introduced, such as histogram equalization, windowing transformation, zigzag wave transformation and windowing zigzag wave transformation, which were used for double exposure portal image. Comparisons about advantages and disadvantages are given. Application of display mode of fusion of perspective, windowing and convolution is described. Good image quality can be achieved by processing images of portal field and it is helpful for accurate anatomy registration of the processed images and reference images. Display of the fused images helps anatomy structure registration. Quantitative analysis can be carried out. These efforts can cut down errors and improve the accuracy of verification.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering