目的 明确吲哚菁绿眼底血管造影(ICGA)在检查视网膜静脉阻塞(RVO)中的临床应用价值。方法 使用海德堡共焦激光扫描检眼镜(HRA),对82例RVO患者进行同步的眼底荧光血管造影(FFA)和ICGA检查。结果(1)82例RVO在ICGA的全过程中均可清晰地看到视网膜血管充盈情况,14例因出血较多FFA中看不清血管充盈情况。(2)64例ICGA可见阻塞区视网膜毛细血管呈瘤状扩张,其中有12例因出血较多FFA中看不清。(3)分枝静脉阻塞病例,ICGA比FFA更清楚地观察到动静脉交叉压迫情况,有6例在阻塞点静脉内可见到栓子存在。(4)FFA有2例,ICGA有8例可见到脉络膜血管扩张,2例可见脉络膜充盈缺损。结论 将ICGA与FFA结合用于RVO检查比单纯FFA能为临床提供更多的信息。
Objective To evaluate the clinical value of indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) in retinal vein occlusion (RVO). Methods Fundus flurescein angiography (FFA) and ICGA were used parallel for comparative analyses of 82 cases of RVO. Results (1)using ICGA,the retinal vessels filling can be seen in 82 cases of RVO,however,the blood flow was abscured by massive haemorrhage in 14 cases in FFA. (2) Retinal capillary dilatation was observed in 64 cases by LCCA,including 12 cases not detected with FFA because bleeding;(3)The cross sign of artery-vein was observed more clearly in ICGA than FFA. Using ICGA,the embolus was found in 6 cases;(4)The dilatation of choroidal vein was found in 2 cases on FFA;and 8 cases on ICGA. Choroidal filling defects were found in 2 cases on ICGA. Conclusion ICGA combined with FFA can provide clinically useful information for RVO.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research