目的探讨腹壁切口疝的发病原因。方法从切口类型、缝合技术、材料、切口感染、腹内压增高、年龄、营养、发生时间等方面对 98例切口疝进行回顾性分析。结果 98例切口疝患者中 5 1~ 70岁者 79例 (80 6 % ) ,发生于前腹壁纵行切口者 84例 (86 % ) ,发生于术后 2~ 6个月者 4 9例(5 0 % )。其他如缝合技术欠佳、切口感染、腹内压增高、低蛋白血症、糖尿病等因素的存在也易诱发切口疝。结论横向切口 ,预防切口感染或裂开的措施可促进切口愈合。
ObjectiveTo explore the etiology of incisional hernia of abdomianal wall.Methods98 cases with incisional hernia were analyzed retrospectively in terms of incision type, technique of suture, suture materials,infection of incision, and the time of occurrence.ResultsLongitudinal incision, improper technique of suture,infection, increase of intraabdominal pressure, and diabetes mellitus were risk factors of incisional hernia. ConclusionsTransverse incision, prevention of infection of the incision, strict aseptic manipulation and hemostasis were effective in the prevention of incisional hernia. Most hernia developed within 6 months postoperatively.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery