研究了 SF6 - N2 混合气在四倍频 Nd:YAG激光脉冲作用下的触发特性。实验结果表明 :充 SF6 -N2 混合气的火花隙的触发延迟和抖动、最低可触发阈值随充气压力及混合气中 SF6 含量上升而上升 ,随激光波长减小而减小 ,火花隙的触发延迟和抖动随焦距的减小而减小。由于 SF6 - N2 混合气的介电强度、触发延迟和抖动与混合气中 SF6 含量之间均存在非线性关系 ,作为开关工作介质 ,SF6 - N2 混合气的综合性能较好的 SF6含量范围是 5 %~ 4 5 %。
This paper presents the triggering property of SF 6-N 2 mixtures triggered by a quadrupled Nd:YAG laser. The delay and jitter increased as the pressure and the percentage of SF 6 in SF 6-N 2 mixtures increased. The working ratio followed the same rule. The delay, jitter and the working ratio decreased as the wavelength of laser decreased when the mixing ratio, pressure and charging voltage kept constant. The delay and jitter of SF 6-N 2 mixtures decreased as the focus length decreased. The better mixing ratio of SF 6-N 2 mixtures used as switching media should be 5%~45%(SF 6) if the dependence the dielectric strength and the delay, jitter on the percentage of SF 6 in SF 6-N 2 mixtures is nonlinear.
High Power Laser and Particle Beams
中国工程物理研究院行业预研基金资助课题 (2 0 0 0 -0 2 10 )