宣威市总人口 12 9万 ,其中农业人口占 91 4 % ,人均耕地 0 11hm2 ,由于人多地少 ,长期以来过度放牧 ,肆意樵采 ,导致生态环境日趋恶化 ,表现在 :水土流失严重 ,自然灾害濒繁 ;工业废气肆意排放 ,环境污染严重 ;薪柴消耗量大 ,农村能源恶性循环 ;因森林减少致使物种减少 ;并引发诸多社会问题。下决心改变农村能源结构 ,大力推广沼气池 ,促进林业发展是当务之急 ,并提出了若干建议 :多方筹措资金 ;发展社区林业 ;发挥沼气池的综合利用效率 ,增加农户经济收入 ;加大执法力度 ,以法治林 ;充分发挥农村妇女的积极性 ;政府指导 。
Xuanwei is a big populated city with the total population of 1 290 000, 91 4% of the total are population in rural area, the arable land per person owned is only 0 11hm 2. Overpopulated, less arable land, over grazing and big consumption of fuel woods bring severe pressure on ecological environment. Many problems such as soil and water loss, frequent happening of natural hazards, pollutions, vicious circle of energy in rural areas and decreasing species caused by deforestation arise. Extending biogas pit, and change the energy structure of rural areas is an urgent strategy of forestry development. A series of suggestions including financing, developing community forestry, properly maintaining and managing biogas pits, increasing the income of households, strengthening law enforcement against illegal behaviors, motivating women's participation, implementing under the gui_ dance of government and technical supports of relevant institutions, are put forward.
Forest Inventory and Planning