当前 ,在我国农业进入新的发展阶段的同时 ,农民收入增长也面临着新情况、新问题。如何加强农业基础地位、有效增加农民收入 ,不仅关系农村经济发展和农村社会稳定 ,而且关系到国民经济和社会发展的全局 ,对目前农民增收缓慢原因进行分析 。
At present, our agriculture is developing in a good situation, and peasant income-increasing meets with some new problems. How to strengthen the basic position of the agriculture and how to increase the peasant incomes effectively, is an important thing. It's related to the economy development and society stability in countryside, related to the national economy and society development in China. So the author is willing to analyses the reasons that peasant incomes increase slowly, and puts forward some methods of increasing the peasant incomes.
Journal of Jianxi Agricultural University :Social Sciences Edition