软弱地基上路基常采用碾压施工 ,由此可能导致工后水平和竖向变形稳定性的滞后现象 ,严重影响整个公路工程的施工进度 .针对京珠高速公路湖北省东西湖区段软弱路基的高填方处理工程 ,通过无砂砼小桩后处理效果和轻质材料路基施工过程中的沉降变形曲线的对比试验 ,分析了高速公路高填方软基不同处理方法的工程效果及其机理 。
The highway foundation on soft soil, which is usually processed by weight-grinding method, deforms in horizontal and vertical long after construction, resulting in delaying of the whole project Based on the practical soft-soil processing project, which was accomplished in Dongxihu district of Hubei province on the Beijing-Zhuhai high way, through comparision experiment of deformation curve between past-treatment of small no-sand concrete pile and light material foundation contruction. the mechanism of post-processing deformation is studied by different ways of processing methods It can be used as a practical reference for the similar projects.
Journal of Zhengzhou University(Engineering Science)
河南省科技成果推广应用资助项目 (0 1340 2 0 2 0 0 )