开发了描述低碳钢软化行为的再结晶模型 ,并对奥氏体再结晶动力学和微观组织演变进行了模拟计算。在此基础上建立了计算精轧过程应力—应变模型 ,根据现场数据预测了 4 0 0MPa级超级钢细晶化轧制的轧制力 ,预测结果与实测值吻合。这项研究可广泛用于钢种开发。
Synopsis A recrystallization kinetics model to describe the softening behavior of low carbon steel was developed and used for simulation of austenite recrystallization and microstructure evolution. On this basis, a flow stress model to calculate the multipass stress-strain curve during finishing rolling was made out. By means of these models and on-site data, the predicted results of rolling road during finishing rolling of 400?MPa super-steel were given and they were in good accordance with measurements. It showed that these models can be widely used for steel grades design, rolling schedule optimization and on-line control of hot rolling process.
Research on Iron and Steel
国家重大基础研究 973资助项目G19980 6 15 0 9