花岗岩带在宏观上控制我国金矿的展布格局。成矿岩体一般较小 ,且多为复式岩体。金矿脉常分布在距岩体接触带 6~ 8km范围内 ,许多金矿脉产于岩体接触带或直接产于岩体内部。与金矿成矿关系最为密切的为I型 (同熔型或磁铁矿系列 )花岗岩和幔花岗岩。已知成矿的花岗岩类侵入体主要为中生代岩体 ,其次为晚古生代华力西期岩体。金矿化与岩体侵位之间一般存在几~几十百万年的时差。花岗岩类与金矿之间的成因联系是复杂多样的 。
Gold mineralization belts are controlled by granite belts in China. The metallogenic rock boldies are generally small multiple ones. The gold veins often distribute in the areas of 6~8km to granitoid contact belts. However, there are many gold deposits occur in inner rock bodies or contact belts. I type (syntectic type or magnetite series) granite and mantle type granite are sources of ore and closely relate with China gold mineralization. The most important metallogenic granitoid intrusions are mainly formed in Mesozoic, secondly late Variscan period. A gap of n~n ×10 Ma may exist between gold mineralization and magmatic emplacement. The genetic relation between granitoid and gold deposit is various and can be determined by analyzing the structural setting, the rock and deposit occurred.