
用原子-有限元法研究铁中裂纹的低温脆性解理扩展 被引量:1

Investigation of Crack Propagation in Iron at LowTemperature by FEAt Method
摘要 运用原子 -有限元法 (FEAt)研究了裂纹在低温加载条件下的脆性解理扩展。原子模拟结果表明 :在低温和一定外部载荷条件下 ,bcc- Fe中 { 10 0 } <0 11>边界 I型裂纹的扩展过程是一个裂尖原子键断裂与层错或孪晶扩展相伴随的过程。裂纹低温脆性解理扩展的最大速率可达到 112 5m /s,即约为 0 .6 VR。相应的有限元分析表明 ,裂尖存在较大的能量和应力集中 ,这是导致裂尖原子键断裂及弹性孪晶形成的原因。 The brittle fracture of iron at low temperature was investigated by FEAt method. The results of atomistic simulation indicated that the propagation of {100}<011> edge crack in bcc Fe at low temperature and under certain load is an accompanying process of bond breakage and twin growth at the crack tip, while the maximum velocity of crack propagation at low temperature can reach 1 125 m/s (about 0.6 V R). The results of finite element analysis indicated that there is a great energy and stress concentration at the crack tip, which is the reason of bond breakage and twin formation.
出处 《钢铁研究学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期60-63,共4页 Journal of Iron and Steel Research
基金 国家重大基础研究发展规划资助项目 (G2 0 0 0 0 6710 2 )
关键词 低温脆性解理扩展 原子-有限元 裂纹扩展 孪晶形成 Fe FEAt crack propagation twin formation
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