目的 探讨双侧唇裂的功能性修复方法。方法 应用改良Millard’s法通过增加环鼻翼外侧脚切口 ,使鼻翼外侧脚更易复位 ,矫正了口轮匝肌的异常附着 ,一期重建口轮匝肌环 ,对于前唇过于短小者则借鉴Barsky’s法延长前唇。应用该方法修复双侧唇裂 2 4例 ,年龄最小 6月 ,最大 12岁。结果 多数患者获得了满意的修复效果 ,仅 1例伤口部分裂开。结论 应用该方法修复双侧唇裂有较高的临床应用价值。
Objective To probe into the repairing method of the bilateral cleft lip.Methods Twenty-four patients ranging in age from 6 months to 12 years were treated with this modified procedure.The method was characterized by the adding cut at the outside of nasal wing.Reconstruction of the orbicularis oris muscle in one stage and Barsky's surgical design for prolabal lengthening.Results The most of patients have got satisfactory results with this method.The cupids bow and the central turbercle appeared more natural.The only one of the patients developed part dehiscence of the wound.Conclusion This modified method is of special value for bilateral cleft lip
Journal of Clinical Stomatology