气象信息综合分析处理系统 (英文缩写为MICAPS)是中国气象局 92 1 0工程的一个子系统 ,它负责业务气象资料的处理和显示 ,是业务预报员的基本工作平台。MICAPS系统分为工作站版和微机版 ,其中微机版应用于全国省、地、县三级气象台站。为此 ,MICAPS系统开发组首先开发了MICAPS系统中文版安装程序。随着MICAPS系统应用范围的扩大 ,MICAPS系统开发组又开发了MICAPS系统英文版安装程序。文章着重介绍目前国内广泛使用的中文版安装程序的使用方法和技巧 ,并对MICAPS系统中英文安装程序所使用两种开发软件的特性做出简要比较 ,旨在使MICAPS用户对MICAPS系统安装程序有一深入的了解 ,同时对从事安装程序制作的开发人员有一定的帮助和借鉴作用。
Meteorological Information Comprehensive Analysis and Processing System (MICAPS) is a subsystem of project 9210 of CMA.It provides a basic working platform for operational weather forecasters.This system can be used to process and display almost all the meteological information.MICAPS system has two versions,one is for SGI workstation and another is for PC platform.The PC version has been used in weather forecast station of all levels (from province,district to county).In order to enlarge the application scope and facilitate the system installation,both Chinese version and English version of setup program have been developed.The main usage and some key techniques about the tool kit are discussed.
Meteorological Monthly