
甘肃省荒漠化宏观监测研究 被引量:17

Research on Macroscopic Monitoring of Desertification in Gansu
摘要 “甘肃省荒漠化宏观监测研究”是全国荒漠化监测的组成部分。文章依据联合国《荒漠化防治公约》中有关规定,结合《全国荒漠化监测技术方案》,首次划定了荒漠化气候类型区,确定了甘肃省荒漠化潜在发生范围;应用先进的“3S”技术与抽样理论相结合的调查方法,对荒漠化本底现状与演变动态进行了全面评价;首次查清了全省荒漠化(风蚀、水蚀、盐渍化)的有关翔实数据并进行了程度分级。结果表明:①甘肃省荒漠化潜在发生范围为2 300万 hm2,占省实际管辖面积的 50.57%,荒漠化土地面积 17 784 918.25 hm2,占荒漠化潜在发生范围的77.33%,占甘肃省实际管辖面积的43.73%。@荒漠化土地按程度划分:轻度荒漠化面积1777 482.86 hm2;中度荒漠化面积 5 464 505. 98 hm2;重度荒漠化面积 5 862 203. 28 hm2;极重度荒漠化土地面积 4 680 726. 13 hm2。③荒漠化土地面积按气候区分:干旱区 9 919 533.90 hm2;半干旱区 6 320 399.25 hm2;亚湿润干旱区1544 985. 10hm2。④荒漠化土地按类型划分:风蚀荒漠化14 290 986.25 hm2;水蚀荒漠化2 806 446.45 hm2;盐渍荒漠化687 485.15 hm2。⑤甘肃省沙化土地总体呈蔓延趋势。本监测期沙化上地总面积为 1 113.4万hm2,占监测总面积200 554.0 Abstract: The research on macroscopic monitoring of desertification in Gansu is one part of DesertificationMonitoring of all the country. According to some concerned prescription in 《Pact of Desertification Preven-tion》of U. N., combining with 《Precept of Desertification Monitoring Technology of China》, using the in-investigation that combined GIS/RS/GPS(3S) with spot check, the paper first demarcated the types of Gan-su desertification climate zone and confirmed the range of potential desertification; made a integrated as-sessment to the statue and evolvement dynamic of Gansu desertification, and a thorough investigation ofsome concerned data and classified them.The range of potential desertification is 23 000 000 hm2,about 50. 57 per cent of actual area of Gansu,the area of desertified land is 17 784 918. 25 hm2, about 77. 33 per cent of the range of potential desertifica- tion and 43. 73 per cent of actual area of Gansu.According to the degree of desertified land area the area of light desertification is 1 777 482. 86 hm2,intermediate 5 464 505. 98 hm2, serious 5 862 203. 28 hm2, very serious 4 680 726. 13 hm2. According to climate of desertified land area the area of arid zone is 9 919 533. 90 hm2, semi-arid6 320 399. 25 hm2, sub-humid arid 1 544 985. 10 hm2.According to the type of desertified land area wind erosion is 14 290 986. 25 hm2, water erosion2 806 446. 45 hm2, salinity 687 485. 15 hm2.The desert land presents a tendency of spread in the overall statue. In the period of this monitoring,total area of desert land is 11 134 000 hm2 (55. 52 per cent of the total monitored area of 20 055 000 hm2)that increased 1 894 491. 32 hm2 from 1994, every year increased 37 898. 26 hm2, increasing ratio of everyyear is 0. 34 per cent.
出处 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期122-128,共7页 Journal of Desert Research
基金 国家林业局<全国荒漠化监测>项目<甘肃省荒漠化监测研究>之一
关键词 甘肃 荒漠化 宏观监测 研究 土地利用 Keywords: desertification macroscopic monitoring research
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