农民增收减负问题是关系我国国民经济能否持续、快速、协调、健康发展的重大 问题。近年来,国家实施了不少增收和减负的政策措施,但大多是治表之策,效果并不理想 。实质上农民增收减负的治本之策在于农业制度创新,包括户籍制度创新、农地流转制度创 新、农村财税体制创新、农业经营组织制度创新等。其中,农业经营组织制度创新是关键, 其他制度创新是条件。只要制度创新能彻底到位,我国农民的增收和减负问题将能从根本上 得以解决。
It is a significant issue to increase peasants′ income and ligh ten peasants′ burden, because it is mutually related with the sustai ned,high speed,coordinated and healthy development of our national economy. In recent years, our country has adopted many policies and measures to increase peasants′ income and lighten peasants′ burden, which only brings about a tem porary solution of the problems without good results. In fact, it is the innova tion of agricultural system that is the best way of increasing peasant′s in come and lightening peasant′s burden. The innovation of agricultural syst em is composed of the innovation of household registration, circulation of the rural land, the system of rural financial and tax revenue and the system of agri cultural management etc.. Among them, the system of agricultural management is m ost important, othe r system innovations belong to the condition. Provided our country carries out t he system innovation indeed, we can achieve thoroughly the goal of increasing pe asants′ income and lightening peasants′ burden.
Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
increasing peasants' income
lightening peasants' burden
system innovation