目的:本文报道瑞士产头孢他美酯片剂在我国健康志愿者人体药代动力学研究结果。方法:采用反相高效液相色谱法测定名志愿者口服盐酸头孢他美酯片剂后的血药浓度,椐程序计算有关药动学参数。12 3P87 结果:该制剂的 t、 (Ke) Tpeak、Cmax和分别为、、、·,药时曲线符合一室开放模型。AUC2.3h2.79h2.17mg/L18.69(mg/L)h结论:口服头孢他美500mg酯后的血药浓度高于大多数常见致病菌的,其消除半衰期较长,一日两次给药即可。
Objective: The pharmacokinetics of cefetamet pivoxil was determined after a single 500mg oral dose given to twelve male volunteers. Methods: The concentrations of drug-serum samples were measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results: The results showed that the serum concentration-time profile conformed to an one-compartment open model. The maximum serum level was 2.17mg/L, and was attained ·2.79h after administration. The mean serum elimination half-life was 2.34h. The AUC was 18.96 (mg/L)h. Conclusion: The serum concentration after a single dose of 500mg is above the MIC for most of the commonly encountered pathogens. The elimination half-life is long enough, so cefetamet pivoxil may be administrated twice a day.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University